To get started:
This is what the form looks like, so get your ducks in a row
and fill out the real form here!
Other FreeSchool Host/Teacher Information:
West Marin Free School Values
While remaining flexible about many things, there are a handful of values that must remain intact:
1.Education is the right of all people. Therefore, all are invited to participate in WMFS. Anyone can teach, and everyone can learn.
2. Free! We choose to exist in a gift economy, preferring to rely on our own resources, generosity and curiosity rather than the world money system. This means that no money exchanges hands and no bartering. Teachers and students offer their time to one another strictly as a gift.
3. WMFS is intentionally informal, providing structure for motivation and support, but dedicated to operating outside of the hierarchy and bureaucracy of institutional education, in recognition that learning can and should happen everywhere.
4. WMFS purposefully blurs the line between student and teacher, encouraging us to share what we know and ask questions about the things we don't understand. Because of the participatory nature, where both student and teacher are sharing what they know, we have found that often the best way to learn is to host a class as a teacher!
5. Each participant is a steward of WMFS, able to speak to suggest changes to the skool and to spread and carry on the message and tradition of non-traditional learning.
6. Each steward is asked to act in kindness, speak with respect and to otherwise responsibly maintain the school.
7. WMFS supports personal development and encourages us to accept and flourish in the face of new challenges and different opinions and points of view.
8. While WMFS curriculum is as vast and open as our minds, classes share an emphasis on the practical application of skills to create well-rounded, capable individuals - resulting in a remarkably vibrant community.
9. WMFS teachers have the freedom to choose subject, location and method of teaching, as long as all are supportive of the other WMFS values.
WMFS Teacher Resources:
Should you have any questions, comments or concerns as a WMFS teacher, don't hesitate to contact us. We understand issues may arise and we're here to help sort things out.
Also, please tell us about your experiences while teaching. Feedback is always welcomed, to share our successes and improve upon what doesn't quite work. Take photographs, draw pictures, send us written feedback from yourself and your students and we'll post them here on our blogspot.
If you'd like to be a teacher for future FreeSchool semesters, contact
Because teachers are not allowed to ask for money in exchange for their knowledge, it is usually critical to find a free space to host. (Paying for a location to teach for free is just not sustainable). Below is an ever expanding list of locations we have found can be great for FreeSchool classes. (This list is for suggestion only. Please take responsibility to check in with property owners/requirements to assure the proper use of space for your class topic, time, and date of use. Remember, a freeschool class held at a location will become advertised publicly, at no cost.)
Public Parks